I love playing with colors in my home. Changing the color in my living room used to be a big job. I used to have to repaint the entire room to change the color scheme but have since learned to keep the walls and flooring neutral. Using accent colors in the room can make it very easy to change the overall appearance of the room without going to the expense or work of repainting. My blog will show you what you can do to change the color in your rooms without having to go through the process of painting the entire room.
Martin Horton
Whether it's time to replace the hardwood flooring in your home with a newer, slicker set of hardwood panels, or if you've moved onto a different type of flooring, you should hold off on throwing that old hardwood flooring away. You can recycle it by incorporating it into various projects around your house. Included throughout this brief guide are a few of these projects you can do yourself.
Refacing Cabinets
One of the easiest ways to go about utilizing old hardwood flooring is to reclad your cabinets with the recycled hardwood. You can give cheaper, plywood designs a far more rustic and unique look by cladding them with the re-purposed flooring. Even if you do not have enough flooring to clad your entire cabinetry, it can still give a unique, quirky look to a few self standing cabinets in your kitchen or throughout your home. You don't have to stick to merely cabinets, however. Other freestanding pieces can be clad in recycled flooring; even entire walls!
Wood Art
If you have a creative impulse, then take the time to incorporate recycled wood flooring into your artistic endeavors that can adorn your home. Recycled wood flooring, given the right dimensions, can make a great canvas for which to place your paintings and collages, and will certainly give your piece a distinct, rustic, and recycled look.
The Outside World
Old hardwood floors can be re-purposed to fulfill a variety of things you may want for your lawn. Whether it is a bench for your garden, or a dog run, recycled hardwood floors can often times meet the expectations of these demands. Make sure, however, that if you are storing your wood outside for future projects, you keep it somewhere elevated and preferably in a shed, due to the very real possibility of a termite infestation.
Although this project would be a lengthy one, it is entirely within the realm of possibility. If you want to give your ceiling a similar aesthetic to that which your floor once had, clad the entirety of a ceiling in one room with your former wood flooring. This will give your home a rustic, country cabin look that is sure to be unique.
Your wood flooring need not go directly into the recycling bin after it has been removed. There are plenty of ways to incorporate it into your home or property. Hopefully, this guide has given you an idea of where to start on such a project. Visit http://www.nationalcarpetmilloutlet.com for more information.